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4400 University Drive MSN 4A5
Fairfax, VA, 22030

Kevin Moran is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida where he is also affiliated with the Cyber Security and Privacy Cluster (CyberSP) and directs the SAGE Research Lab. He was previously an Assistant Professor at George Mason University from 2020-2023. He graduated with his B.A. in Physics with a Computer Science Minor from the College of the Holy Cross in 2013. He graduated with his M.S. in Computer Science from William & Mary in 2015, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from William & Mary in 2018, advised by Dr. Denys Poshyvanyk. His main research interests include software engineering, security, maintenance, and evolution with a focus on mobile platforms. Additionally, he explores applications of machine learning to data mined from software repositories in order to build practical automated tools for developers.

ACM SigSoft Webinar 2021

 Deep LEarning & Software Engineering - A Retrospective & PAths Forward

ACM SigSoft Webinar, July 14th, 2021

Webinar Video

Once available, the webinar video will be posted below.

Webinar Slides

To download a PDF version of the slides from the Webinar, please click the button below.

A Systematic Literature Review on the Use of Deep Learning in Software Engineering Research

Please click the button below to access a preprint of our our upcoming paper that describes a systematic literature review on DL4SE. This page will be updated with the final published version of the paper.

2019 NSF DLSE Workshop Report - Deep Learning & Software Engineering: State of Research and Future Directions

Click on the button below to download a copy of the report from the steering committee of the 2019 NSF Workshop on Deep Learning & Software Engineering. You can also access the community version here.